Thursday, July 21, 2011

Quick Update

Hi All!
Everyone is doing well over here.  We have all survived our first
sicknesses.  It must have been a 24 hour bug.  I am so glad that we
are all doing better.  Caitlin is on a different page.  Her sickness
comes in waves.  She has easy nights and then like last night, she was
up all night with convulsions again.  Really scary, but everyone has
been taking night shifts to hold her down if she wakes up with
As for the living arrangements, everyone is in a tent on the SCHAP
facility.  There are a few houses of the Agono family (who own the
land) and then the community center and classrooms.  There is no
electricity and everyone runs around with headlamps after 7 pm.  But,
the beauty of no electricty are that the stars are out of this world.
I have never seen so many stars...not even in Michigan!  I am not sure
if I have mentioned it, but the sunrises and sunsets are AMAZING.  So
It is so hot during the day and I get really cold in the night.  Well,
not right away.  I wake up at 3 am normally and I feel cold.  Luckily,
Dad made me pack a sheet -- thinking that I would only use that.  But
I use it for extra warmth ;)
The funniest thing to note is the names.  The children are all named
the Loa equilovent of morning or night if they are born at the
respective times.  There is a woman that works for SCHAP that is
pregnant.  If she has a girl, she is naming it Vikkee.  I told her to
be careful naming her child after me.  Haha :)  The two funniest names
I have encountered have been "Post Bank" and "Fidel Castro."  No joke.
 There are also a lot of children by the name of Michelle or Obama.
There is Obama fever.  His grandma's village is really close to where
I am!  I guess all international aid is flowing in there, which is
great!  But I wish it would be more spread out.  There is Obama
apparel and car decals.  It is hilarious!
Everyone in Kenya is so nice and generous.  If you go to anyone's
home, they give you so much food.  For people who do not have much,
they give everything.  It is really refreshing and unnecessary!
This is all for now.  We are going to figure out Internet schedules,
so I will be able to post more routinely.
Love to you all!  A very big shot out to my Grandma who just
celebrated her birthday!  I love you!
There is also Obama fever

1 comment:

  1. AHHH!!!! I'm so glad you're doing such amazing things!!! Also happy to hear that you have been able to avoid getting seriously ill. I too have JUSt had time to read your blog because I have been without internet in my new apartment! There is also Obama fever in DC haha. Miss you and can't wait to hear more exciting updates! xox caffos
